Senior Health Insurance Information Program (SHIIP) is a free, objective and confidential service offered through the state of Iowa to help people sort through confusing information about Medicare and health insurance.

Trained, certified volunteer counselors assist thousands of Iowans annually, helping them same millions of dollars.

Our local SHIIP volunteer counselor answers your questions and gives you one-one-one help. For an appointment, call 641-456-5074.

How does SHIIP help?

  • Explain your Medicare benefits and rights
  • Compare and evaluate:
    • Medicare supplements
    • Retiree health plan coverage
    • Medicare drug plans
    • Medicare Advantage and other health plans
    • Long-term care insurance
  • Organize your medical bills and Medicare statements; assist with appeals
  • Find assistance for programs that help with Medicare costs and Medicare drug plans
  • Assess your needs so you can make informed decisions about health insurance

Our local SHIIP volunteer counselor is Sandy Raney. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Sandy, call 641-456-5074.