Health Coach

What is a Health Coach?

A health coach works closely with clients and providers regarding chronic health issues, empowering consumers, identifying barriers and enhancing their knowledge and health management ability. Our health coach is a registered nurse.

Let's Talk

Health coaching allows patients an opportunity to talk to someone about what is most troubling regarding their health concerns.

Setting Health Goals

Our health coach will work with you to set realistic goals and offer you support to meet those goals.

How Do I Schedule Time With a Health Coach?

If you are an inpatient, the health coach may visit with you during your stay. On discharge, the health coach will set up a follow-up phone call to see how it is going for you at home, and whether you have any questions about your discharge instructions, medications or appointments. You may also be referred to the health coach by your primary care provider.

 What Can You Expect From Your Visit With the Health Coach?

  • Review of medications
  • Review of discharge instructions (if applicable)
  • Review of the reason you were hospitalized (if applicable)
  • Identifying barriers
  • Working on goal setting
  • Further education, if needed, on chronic health issues and treatment.

Justyn Heard, RN
Franklin General Hospital Health Coach
1720 Central Ave. E., Hampton, IA  50441
Ph. 641.456.5092